Our Events


15th August

Our Hearts Fill with Joy and Happiness Whenever 15th of August Comes as That Was the Day We Got Our Freedom. a Day for National Pride Stirs Up the Patriotic Chords in All of Us. We Celebrate That Great Occasion with Such Happiness and Pride and Every Year on That Day We Organize a Program Where We Host the Flag and Every Member of *Sampurnam Seva Foundation, Nashik” Sings the National Anthem with Pride. We Revive the Spirit of Patriotism Like That Where We Celebrate the Day.

Collection Drive

We Organize Collection Drives at Various Places Like Pune, Mumbai, and Nashik to Collect Idols and Other Things Like Photos, Statues, Brass, Plastics, Wood, Books, Texts, Clothes, Mandir, and Photos of Old People and Try to Spread the Awareness and Importance of Our Work Including the Importance of Their Responsibilities to the Society. This Is Our Primary Motive to Spread Awareness All Over India and We Are Doing All the Necessary Work to Fulfill Our Aims.